What to do if you forget Bismillah while slaughtering animals
Today's Masala
Your Question (64020) What to do if you forget Bismillah while
slaughtering animals
If Bismillah is forgotten at the time of slaughter,
the slaughter becomes valid. Slaughtered animals and birds do not become haram
because of forgetting 'Bismillah'. However, it will be forbidden to eat the
animal if it is deliberately released. So you have to be careful in this case.
When Ibrahim Nakha'i (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about slaughtering
without reciting Bismillah by mistake, he said, "There is no problem in it."
-Musannaf Abdur Razzaq 8540; Sharhu Mukhtasarit Tahawi 7/232 ... Answered by:
Mufti Saiduzzaman Qasemi Ustajul Ifta, Jamia Imam Bukhari, Uttara, Dhaka.
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